Besides being an Equine Photographer,

I am also a Plant Lover, dog mom, adventurer, and lover of all things horses.

hiya! I appreciate ya stopping by!

I'm from New York but spent most of my life living in and loving Tennessee. I was homeschooled and was able to pursue my interest of art, volunteering, horses, and horses and horses...

My husband, Ben, has a career in the National Park Service so we both have a love for the outdoors and exploring the U.S. We love it so much that we eloped in Rocky Mountain National Park in November 2019!

*My brand photos were taken by Renee Schaffer Photography.

Taco is a 6 year old Bochi (Boston Terrier/Chihuahua), and Burrito is our new addition and he is also a Rat Terrier/Chihuahua mix!

Ben and I currently live in Western Kansas with our Chihuahua mixes, taco & Burrito.

*Couple's photos were taken by Kari Joy Photography



Missing you porkchop

Ben and I currently live in Central Kansas

With our Chihuahua mixes, taco & Burrito.

The photography bug is somewhat inherited

My father was a professional photographer for many years and photography is how he and my mom met! 

My parents documented everything from the time I was born, making me the model in their styled photo shoots, and having me run thru mustard fields for the sake of a good photo.

My father passed away in 2021, and my world was absolutely shattered. He was always the one I went to with questions and advice, and I had to find a way to go forward. Photography has helped me go forward and still keep that connection and memory of my dad in the process.

My dad & I

Tomorrow is so uncertain, especially in this day and age.

I always encourage people not to wait to get photos done with their family, two and four legged alike.

So whether its with me or someone else, please get those photos done with the ones you love. You'll never regret making those memories and spending that time together.

“When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.”
- Anonymous